
The RYA Assistant Instructor Course will aid you in your journey to becoming a fully qualified RYA instructor in your chosen discipline. The AI is a competent intermediate windsurfer who has been trained to assist instructors in teaching windsurfing up to the standard of the Level 2 or Stage 3 courses. They must work under the supervision of an RYA senior instructor (SI) or the chief instructor of a Windsurfing training centre.  As the AI’s training is limited to assisting qualified instructors and does not include first aid or powerboat handling, AIs must never be allowed to work without direct supervision. 



  • Training will cover basic teaching principles, centre Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS) and specific training in any unfamiliar equipment.
  • Candidates will cover RYA teaching methods for beginners (from RYA Windsurfing Instructor Manual W33) and then assessed on their teaching ability to this level.
  • The training and assessment can be conducted by an appropriately trained Senior Instructor who has been nominated by the Principal or Chief Instructor.
  • The Principal/Chief Instructor will authorise and sign the certificate.

Pre Requisites:

  • Aged 14+ 

Certificate Validity:

  • The AI certificate is valid only at that centre for five years.

 If you need training to get you up to standard please let us know.