Kids Windsurfing near Rye East Sussex

Rye Watersports has been a Royal Yachting Association centre since 1986 and we give windsurfing lessons to children from the age of 8. We are based on the Kent and Sussex border near Camber Sands. which is only a 50 minute drive from Tunbridge Wells, and easy to get to by road or rail from all areas of Kent, Sussex and Surrey.
Our lake is perfect for children to learn to windsurf as they feel safe within a confined water area rather than the open sea. All lessons are run over two consecutive days from 10.00a.m to 4.00p.m.

Once children have completed their RYA stage 2 they can come to our windsurfing club which is held on a Wednesday during the Easter, the May half term, and  Summer holidays. After their stage 2 lesson they can also join our RYA T15 club held on Sunday’s between 10.30 & 12.30.  These are training sessions in freestyle and racing so children can compete with other T15 clubs in the South East. Windsurfing lessons are taught on safe flat water that is ideal for anyone new to windsurfing. The South Coast offers varied conditions, but our coastal lake is perfect for lessons/beginners and experts alike. The lakes close proximity to the sea at Camber Sands means we get consistent force 4 sea breezes throughout the Summer months, and stronger winds during Spring and Autumn.

Stage 1 Carrying Windsurf Kit

RYA Stage 1 – £185.00

  • 2 day course 6 hrs each day
  • Dry land simulator session
  • Sailing across the wind
  • Tacking and gybing
  • RYA certificate on completion

A great introduction to this exciting sport that children will love. The lesson starts on a dry land simulator where pupils learn the basics without getting wet! Once on the water the course progresses to sailing across the wind, and tacking and gybing. The instructor is always close at hand on the water to give constant guidance and to instil pupils with confidence. At the end of the two days a youth RYA stage 1 certificate is issued to pupils.  

Stage 1 Windsurfing

RYA Stage 2 – £185.00

  • 2 day course 6 hrs each day
  • Faster tacks and gybes
  • Upwind sailing
  • Introduction to beach starts
  • Theory on wind direction and safety
  • RYA certificate on completion

Progression to faster tacks and gybes, stance, and upwind sailing are all elements of the level 2 course. Children are introduced to beach starts, and techniques that make sailing in stronger winds easier. Throughout the two days skills are built upon so children are able to progress at their own pace. All lessons have a short theory session so children understand about wind direction and safety. We recommend children practice before going onto their RYA stage 3. Once children have completed stage 2 they can book onto our Wednesday windsurfing club.

kids windsurf stage 2


RYA Stage 3 – £185.00

  • 2 day course 6 hrs each day
  • How to use a harness
  • Non planing carve gybe
  • Beach starts
  • Stance and control in stronger winds
  • RYA certificate on completion

Stage 3 is is where the excitement really starts. Children are taught how to use a harness and get into the footstraps. We work on improving stance and control when using more advanced equipment. We get you on a funboard simulator to help with tacks and gybes. We teach lots of freestyle tricks and get pupils blasting in stronger winds. Nose sinks, helicopter tacks and race techniques are all covered.

RYA Stage 3 Windsurfing


RYA Stage 4 – £185.00

  • 2 day course 6 hrs each day
  • Get planing and into footstraps with ease
  • Waterstarts
  • Practice carve gybes
  • Improve on all techniques
  • RYA certificate on completion

This lesson improves on all the techniques you have learnt over the previous courses: how to get planing and into the footstraps with ease and get you doing that perfect carve gybe and waterstart, using your harness to maximum effect. Advanced skills can take a lot of practice, but after your two day course you’ll be well on the way to achieving these goals.

teenager blasting on lake at rye watersports


Windsurf Club – £35.00

  • Every Wednesday during school holidays
  • £35.00 per session including hire and coaching
  • For children who have completed RYA Stage 1 or above

Windsurf Club at RWS


Q & A

Some common questions we often receive answered here.
Or please call the office on 01797 225238 if you have anything at all to ask.


Just a towel! We provide all wetsuits and personal safety equipment.
We recommend that all our lake users use some kind of footwear when on our courses. Wetsuit boots are the most appropriate and can be bought from our shop. (Jelly shoes, are inappropriate)
No matter, we use the latest equipment and teaching methods to ensure you are up and cruising at the earliest opportunity.