May 23 Newsletter

Windsurfing Tuition
Windsurfing Tuition

We’ve had another busy month at Rye welcoming back our regular schools who have enjoyed getting into their Sailing & Windsurfing weekly programs. The Watersports Enrichment Activity Days have also been going brilliantly, children from Rye Scouts & Cubs as well as Playden & Northiam schools have all enjoyed learning something new and getting out of the classroom for the day. Finally, the temperatures are rising and these groups have all had some wonderful weather for their sessions. 

Find out more about our School Group Activities weekly sessions.


Rosie our centre manager has trained up 6 fantastic AI’s to teach windsurfing alongside our current team and we have a brand new Beach Manager, Tommy. After 3 seasons with Neilson, he has decided to spend the summer in the UK, so lets hope the weather lives up to expectations!

Sailing Tuition

Half Term is here and we have a few spaces left on our Kids Sailing and Windsurfing courses.   Take a look at our kids page for more details.


Wingfoiling First Flights are now available to book online.  If you’ve completed your Beginner & Improver WingSurfing courses and you’re looking for the next step.  Here it is!  WingFoiling first flights are offered on a 2 to 1 basis, we take you out in the safety boat and get you experiencing those first flights on flat water in perfect conditions.  Once you start there will be no stopping you!

By admin Monthly